Don’t Lose Your Vaccine Card, Here’s How


More and more businesses are requiring proof of vaccination to attend events or in some cases, to be an employee. In order to attend certain gay clubs, you’ll have to be vaccinated or have a negative test result within 48 hrs. Carrying around your vaccination card everywhere definitely has risks. To be honest, my biggest fear is losing mine. Even if through a miracle I didn’t, the wear and tear of daily life will start to damage it.  I keep thinking of anyone I knew that carried their social security card in their wallet. Their cards are now unbelievably worn, on some you can barely make out the signature or certain numbers. Not everything on your vaccine card is printed directly on it, so I imagine it’ll be even more damaged.

Some friends of mine rushed to laminate theirs as soon as they received their second shot. This is not a recommended solution as additional boosters will eventually be required. Many people have taken pictures of their cards but this isn’t a perfect plan. You can’t always show a bouncer a picture of your lost ID, right? Companies and certain states have been releasing apps that can suffice in place of the physical document. Colorado has had the MY COLORADO app for a few years now so they have time to streamline the process and work out the bugs.


 Some state agencies have pumped time and money into a state-specific identification app and online portals. Colorado is one of these states. The app is secure and widely accepted.  Polis issued an executive order stating that the executive branch, law enforcement, and businesses may accept the app as a legitimate form of validation. I like the MY COLORADO app the most because state ID’s are loaded as well as a ton of other features. The issue with this option is that it won’t work outside of the state. It is Colorado-specific but really well for a state app. 

  • If you haven’t already, download the myColorado app™ and have your Colorado Driver’s License or ID ready to set up your account.
  • Once your account is set up, click the myVaccine Record button on the main wallet page.
  • Review the myVaccine information and click “Continue.”
  • Confirm First Name, Last Name, DOB, and Gender.
  • Enter your phone number or email address.
  • Click “Submit.”
  • Allow up to 10 seconds for your record to load.
  • Your COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card should appear and you will have the ability to download it to your device.

If there are issues you can contact the help desk by emailing with your full name, DOB, phone number and date(s) of your COVID-19 vaccines.


Jeff Wilson
Author: Jeff Wilson

Jeff is one of the owners of GayDenver and one of its writers. He is a Denver transplant who loves the city and the proximity of the mountains. He is happily married to his husband and loves thinking with his furbaby Thayella.

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